Blocked drains


Blocked drains are most often the result of the natural processes of the formation of solid or viscous plaque on the inner surfaces of the pipes. The reason for the narrowing of the opening of the pipeline is the remains of soap, grease, hair and food particles. The drain can be clogged with debris or a foreign object (rag, bag, hygiene products). Another common cause of blockage is mistakes made in the design and installation of the drains. The incorrect slope of the pipes, their small diameter, a large number of turns and bends – all this provokes constant problems with the drain system.

Specialists of the blocked drains London company provide services for clearing blocked pipes of private and multi-story buildings, cottages, townhouses, shopping and entertainment complexes, restaurants, cafes, offices and other buildings. Drainage companies use the following means to clear a blocked pipe:

  • Teleinspection equipment necessary for detecting blockages, determining the type of blockage and choosing the best method for blocked drain repair;
  • Electromechanical cleaning machines (their working tool is a flexible cable) – drain blockages are destroyed by tips of different shapes, and then washed off with water;
  • Manual mechanical devices;
  • Hydrodynamic machines equipped with nozzles that remove debris with a pressurized stream of water;
  • Thermal drain cleaners – the inner surface of a blocked pipe is cleaned and disinfected with hot water and steam (the method is not suitable for plastic).

If cleaning by hydrodynamic and mechanical methods is not possible, then chemical preparations are used. Alkalis cope well with grease and soap plugs; acids corrode organic blockages. When choosing a reagent, the specialist of drainage services London takes into account not only the type of blockage but also the material of the pipes – if you ignore the aggressive effect of chemicals on plastic and metal surfaces, then additional problems with drains will arise.

The formation of a blockage in the drain pipe is an inevitable process that cannot be prevented, but unpleasant consequences can be avoided. To do this, it is enough to carry out preventive cleaning with a certain frequency. The break between them depends on the conditions in which the pipeline is operated. Most drainage companies London provide unblocking services around the clock. You can turn to the assistance of a plumbing and drainage near me specialist at any hour of day and night for emergency drain cleaning. The call out of a plumber for blocked drainage works is available around the clock. Feel free to get in touch with us if you are in search of a drainage company near me. Our team offers emergency drain cleaning with a 100% quality guarantee. We use a hydrodynamic, mechanical and chemical methods for clearing blocked pipes in residential and commercial properties.


Drain blockages often occur at the most inopportune moment due to improper equipment operation and lack of maintenance. Sometimes, the cause of frequent pipe blockages is an improperly installed sewer system, but in most cases, a blockage occurs after many years of using the sewer network without the necessary routine maintenance or cleaning. A blockage is an appearance in pipes of plaque, deposits and foreign objects, which partially or completely prevent the passage of liquid household waste through the pipe network. While the pipeline is new, its walls are perfectly clean, but every year the plaque and fatty deposits become larger and in three to four years the working diameter of the sewer pipe decreases several times. Our company has been dealing with the elimination of blockages for a long time. In 90% of cases, we clean drains with high-power cleaning equipment, but in simple cases, it is possible to fix a blocked pipe using a chemical or mechanical method. Blocked drainage specialist selects the best method for clearing drain pipes after conducting video diagnostics.

We provide a cleaning and preventive flushing service using modern methods – hydrodynamic, chemical and electromechanical. The correct method that will give the maximum effect and eliminate the problem in a specific type of structure is selected depending on the complexity and type of drain blockage. We guarantee the restoration of the normal operability of the plumbing system and the achievement of the sanitary state of the facility in the shortest time possible. Call us any time to carry out preventive maintenance, which will allow you to avoid interruptions in the operation of the plumbing system in the future. Prevention usually means flushing the pipeline with a hydrodynamic method, followed by video diagnostics of the work performed. Before proceeding to eliminate the blockage, the company’s employees carry out diagnostics and select the best method for dealing with the problem in a particular case.


  • Operational blockage occurs as a result of the deposition of fat on the walls of the pipes;
  • Mechanical blockage occurs due to the improper operation of engineering systems;
  • Obstruction in the siphon, a device that works as a kind of barrier that protects against odours from the sewer system;
  • Technogenic blockage occurs as the result of an engineering error in the design of the sewer system.

With proper operation and timely prevention, you may never have serious problems with the drains. We provide high-quality service aimed at ensuring the efficient operation of engineering systems. Vast experience and technical base allow us to provide qualified assistance to owners of apartments and private houses, industrial enterprises, office and shopping complexes.


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Customer requests drain cleaning service.

You can request our services to deal with the blockage of the drain system by calling 442030265147 or via an online callback form on this website. Calls are accepted around the clock.

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Dispatch centre operator processes the order.

During the call, please be ready to provide your address in London and valid contact number. Any information on the cause and nature of a problem will facilitate the drain service provision procedure.

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Drains specialist arrives at the place of call.

The company's specialists are ready to drive out to the site within ten minutes after the customer's application, providing professional assistance, innovative equipment and effective methods to solve any problems related to the functioning of drain systems.

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Drainage specialist London carries out the necessary drain cleaning work.

Blocked drains London specialist has a complete set of tools and parts to complete work on elimination of a drain blockage in one visit. The time required to carry out work depends on the type and severity of the blockage; most jobs are completed in one hour or less. You may pay for the service provided in cash, with a credit card or by bank transfer.


We take payment for any drain service or work to remove the blockage only after completing the necessary procedures. This way, customers can be sure of the result of all measures taken to fix a blocked pipe. Our blocked drains London company has developed a comfortable system of interaction with clients focused on long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation. Drainage specialist London works without prepayment and is ready to respond swiftly regardless of the time of day and weather conditions. Blocked drain repair specialist has an arsenal of effective means and methods for eliminating drain emergency of any complexity quickly with guaranteed results. The availability of high-quality specialized equipment allows us to provide professional assistance in the maintenance of drains.

Craftsmanship Guarantee.

In the arsenal of our plumbing and drainage near me company is not only a modern technological base but also effective methods that guarantee high-quality and effective elimination of drain blockages of any complexity. Depending on the specifics of a problem, qualified employees of the drainage services London will develop a set of effective measures aimed at solving the blocked pipe problem promptly, whether it is eliminating blockages in a sink or clearing storm drains. The plumbing equipment and parts we offer, come with a 1-year manufacturer’s warranty. We are always ready to fulfil our obligations.

Satisfaction Guarantee.

Our company has been in the plumbing services market since 2012. We have earned ourselves a name, an impeccable reputation and a large client base. Our team strives to deliver the drain clearing service up to the best standards in the industry to each customer regardless of circumstances. For customer’s peace of mind, we provide a guarantee for all types of services provided. Thanks to the invaluable experience gained over the years in business, we have perfected work skills which allows us to approach the solution of most challenging drain problems at home or office premises with confidence. In case of any issue with the newly installed or repaired plumbing equipment, the specialist is ready to come back and carry out the work again, free of charge.


What methods do you use to clear blocked pipes?

The team has all the necessary modern equipment, special tools and chemicals for effective cleaning of any pipes, complex structures of the sewer system and blockages, long-term fat deposits.

Are the hydrodynamic and mechanical clearing methods safe for the pipeline?

All methods that we use in our work are completely safe for all types of pipes. They do not damage the walls of the pipeline, and only remove blockages. Professional equipment helps to avoid damage to pipelines during flushing and cleaning. During hydrodynamic cleaning, the pressure is monitored constantly. The drain clearing work is carried out in accordance with the established norms and safety standards. Poorly connected pipes, reduced diameter and other irregularities allowed during plumbing installation can interfere with the blockage removal process. If violations are identified, specialists first use chemicals to improve the permeability of mechanical and hydrodynamic nozzles.

What factors affect the cost of services?

The amount you pay can be affected by the design of the sewage system, the presence of hard-to-reach places, a large number of bends and various slopes. Also, the further down the line the blockage is located, the more time and effort will be required to eliminate it. The remoteness of the site and difficulties when delivering the equipment to the place of the accident also affect the price of the service.

How quickly can the specialist arrive to fix my blocked pipe?

Mobile plumber units staged across the city allow for a fast response time. In case of an emergency, the drain clearing specialist can be at your place in as little as 20 minutes!

Is there a guarantee for the work performed?

For your peace of mind, the work performed will be backed by a guarantee for a period of up to 3 years depending on the type of service, complexity of task and technical condition of the plumbing equipment.

Do you provide drain services around the clock?

Yes, we do. Problems with a plumbing system can arise at any time, therefore we work around the clock to meet the demands of our customers. We are ready to help you any day of the week. You can agree in advance with the managers by phone about the date and time of arrival of the plumbers for the provision of services.

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