Blocked toilets


KeyCity Plumbers in London and surrounding areas clear blocked toilets in the shortest time possible with the provision of all warranty obligations, and qualitatively perform other plumbing work in a house, apartment or office premises. If you can’t flush blocked toilet, only professional plumbers should be entrusted with eliminating the blockage. By turning to our assistance to clear blockage in toilet, you be can sure that the task of any complexity will be completed promptly and efficiently. We can be reached by phone at any hour of day and night. Alternatively, you can place a request for the provision of services to clear a blocked drain by submitting an online callback form on this website.


You can clear toilets using special tools, which are sold in many stores. Unfortunately, they are only effective in the initial stage of sewer clogging. It is best if you immediately contact the masters of plumbing craft. The specialists of our company will help you quickly solve a blocked drain problem. Having been working in this market since 2012, we have proven ourselves as a competent and reliable team of experts in all matters related to plumbing systems installation, repair and replacement. Faced with a toilet water blockage, washroom blockage or hot water toilet clog, anytime you need to unblock toilet hot water, remember, the assistance of qualified plumbers is only a phone call away! Customers can count on our swift response in emergencies regardless of the time of day and weather conditions. We are available for call out in all 32 boroughs of London.

If you try to fix a blocked drain on your own without proper qualifications and tools, you ran the risk of damaging communications which will entail additional costs associated with the need for repairs and purchase of new plumbing equipment and spare parts. Using hot water blocked toilet can be cleared only if the blockage is not large and located in the upper portion of the drain line; the same goes for a blocked toilet plunger clearing. Removal of complex blockages requires the expertise and skills of professional plumbers. Blocked drain cleaning performed by a qualified specialist guarantees the achievement of desired results and trouble-free functioning of toilets in commercial or residential properties for a long time to come.


You can clear toilets using special tools, which are sold in many stores. Unfortunately, they are only effective in the initial stage of sewer clogging. It is best if you immediately contact the masters of plumbing craft. The specialists of our company will help you quickly solve a blocked drain problem. Having been working in this market since 2012, we have proven ourselves as a competent and reliable team of experts in all matters related to plumbing systems installation, repair and replacement. Faced with a toilet water blockage, washroom blockage or hot water toilet clog, anytime you need to unblock toilet hot water, remember, the assistance of qualified plumbers is only a phone call away! Customers can count on our swift response in emergencies regardless of the time of day and weather conditions. We are available for call out in all 32 boroughs of London.

In order to avoid the damage to the sewer system and flooding of both your own and a neighbour’s apartment, turning to the assistance of local plumbers for professional clearing of blocked toilets is the best course of action you can take. A qualified specialist will offer the most optimal solution to the problem after a thorough examination of the problem area. If you are interested in the final cost of eliminating the blockages in toilets, the plumber will give you an answer after visual diagnostics. The price for removing a blockage in the toilet depends on the complexity of the work and the way it is performed. The possibility of plumbing clogging is presented in apartments, houses, restaurants and other places. The distribution of plumbing pipes in the toilet has a peculiar design, due to which blockages sometimes form in the riser or elbow of the sewer pipe to which the toilet is connected.

One of the main reasons for the formation of a blockage in the toilet is the human factor. Timely clearing of the toilet bowl blockage will help to avoid unforeseen expenses that can provoke a drainage break. Feel free to call us whenever you need to clear a blocked drain. We are available for call out around the clock, 365 days a year. We will clean the sewerage system and eliminate blockages of any complexity at any facilities in London. The acquisition of technical equipment is a key moment in the work on cleaning the sewage system. An exhaustive assortment of various kinds of specialized tools and equipment helps us to effectively cope with the most challenging tasks. The quality of our services is evidenced by numerous reviews from local customers whim we had the privilege to assist in solving their plumbing-related problems.


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Customer requests blocked toilet help.

You can contact our plumbing service by calling the hotline at 442030265147 or by submitting an online callback form.

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Dispatch centre operator processes the order.

The operator will ask you to provide an address in London and a valid contact number. Details on the cause of a problem will facilitate the provision of services for fixing blocked drains.

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Blocked toilet drain specialist arrives at the place of call.

Our team is ready to drive out to the place of call within a few minutes after receiving the customer's application and provide professional assistance, the latest tech and efficient methods for eliminating plumbing problems of any complexity. Our experience and relevant education allow us to resolve plumbing emergencies with a favourable outcome.

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Plumber carries out the necessary work.

Customer pays only for the end result. For your convenience, we accept payments in cash, with a credit card or by bank transfer. Our team never imposes unnecessary services or charges hidden fees.


Our managers will advise if necessary and appoint a plumber closest to your area. Taking into account the fact that we have mobile plumber units on 24/7 duty across the City, our arrival time at the place of call averages 20 minutes! Regardless of the specifics, the work will be performed in accordance with the established industry standards. You can rely on us for delivering high-quality service at fair prices. Our specialists provide all documents and a guarantee for the work performed.

Craftsmanship Guarantee.

The KeyCity Plumber will provide guarantees regardless of the scope of work performed. The guarantee period differs depending on the type of work and the parts used. In each case, you can check the warranty conditions with the specialist on-site. KeyCity Plumbers are always ready to fulfil their obligations specified in the agreement. Should there be any problem with the recently replaced or fixed plumbing systems, we will return and take care of the situation free of charge.

Equipment Guarantee.

Any time you make a purchase with our plumbing company, you get reliable and high-quality products shipped with an official manufacturer’s guarantee for a period of up to 3 years. Our products come directly from manufacturers and major distributors; for this reason, we give each customer a 100% guarantee of the quality. All plumbing products that we offer are original, certified and have a manufacturer's proprietary warranty.


How long does it take to clear a blocked drain?

The work on clearing a blocked toilet drain can take anywhere from one to three hours, depending on the extent and severity of the blockage. In any case, KeyCity Plumber will keep you informed of every step taken in solving the problem.

How much does it cost to eliminate a toilet water blockage?

You can find the prices for the services on the website. Please check with the manager for more detailed information. The services cost depends on a number of factors including the type of blockage and its location. In any case, the exact cost is determined by the plumber after on-site diagnostics of plumbing systems. Blocked toilet help is provided after all the job details are agreed upon with the customer.

D you give a guarantee on a blocked toilet fix?

Yes, we guarantee the quality of our work. When drawing up a contract, a clause on warranty obligations is always included.

What do you recommend to prevent a toilet blockage?

Removing a blockage in the toilet can be difficult. The constant disposal of items can lead to a blocked drain problem over time. Do not flush down the toilet paper napkins, dental floss, hair, cotton swabs, cigarette butts, etc. Carry out preventative measures at least once a year. Timely maintenance will help you avoid costly repairs in the future.

What methods do you use for clearing a blocked toilet drain?

In general, the methods for cleaning toilets are the same as for removing blockages in other sanitary devices.

What are your service hours?

We are available for call outs in London 24 hours a day. Emergency plumbers are always on standby to respond and provide customers with qualified assistance. In case of an emergency with a blocked drain, we can be with you in as little as 20 minutes! Never succumb to despair faced with a plumbing problem – just give us a call!

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